Cameron and I had a very civil email exchange over the weekend, after someone brought to my attention that he had been saying unflattering things about me...
Here's the transcript of our correspondence...
From: Johnny Soporno
Hey Cam,
Thanks for taking the time to respond; I feel much better having heard what you have to say
When people began sending me reports of your being disloyal and backstabbing, that got my attention, so I wrote to you directly, to prevent this getting stupid.
Cameron Writes:
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He didn't even say it was a routine.
Still it has "something" to do with "seduction", right?
Strange. Being disappointed is one thing, but why do you assume that he didn't understand?
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ooooohhhhh yeaaaah.... macho man right here, right now going to tell you one thing real quick. calling barry 5th grade antics then posting an email trying to get others to validate your hurt feeling is like an and climbing an elephants back with rape on its mind.... ooohhhh yeahhhh... DIG IT!!!!
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i thought id find you here macho man. brother. don't make me lace up my boots and unleash these 24 inch pythons on your ass brother. and as far as you go soprano... you and cam need to put your differences aside for now and tag up once again. brother. friends till the end brother!
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oh yeaah. if you want to lace them up and go nose to nose and toes to toes. we can do that "brother". yeah. we can do that right quick brother. through the power and the kingdom of the madness.... ohhh yeaaahh. SNAP INTO A SLIM JIM!!!!
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well as far as you go macho man brother. as hulkamaniacs we profess the training, saying your prayers, and eating your vitamins brother. but as far as friends go macho man. its friends to the end brother. soprono and cam need to tag up once again brother.
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no doubt... no doubt... no doubt hogan. soprono and cam make a formidable tag team. yeah. thats not in question. no! but as far as you go this isnt 1989 hogan. this is 2009 and that means your a bitch! oh yeaaaaahhh.... dig it!
let me tell you brother, cameron is a true blue hulkamaniac , a true blue american, and a true blue friend brother. you two had better tag team back up. I used to say NWO 4 life... but now its best friends for life brother. wha cha going to do when the 24 inch pythons come running for you!!!!
Hey guys, I am the guy who wrote the email to Johnny that got this whole shit storm started. Cameron has taken all my posts of his blog so I decided to post them all here.
Firstly this is the email that I actually sent Johnny:
After hearing Cameron on Kirkey's show yesterday I then sent him this:
Continued --->
Cameron has trashed Johnny in blog posts, on public forums and on podcasts. Johnny has never gone around trashing Cameron's ideas and philosophies. Johnny has actually invited Cameron to spend time with him! Now that Johnny finally wakes up to what Cameron is doing and responds with a scathing email and he's the bad guy?! Wake up people...
Have you guys noticed how fundamentally good people associate with Johnny Soporno while scum bags talk shit about Johnny? Good people like Steve P, Hypnotica, Zan, Jamie Smart etc. associate with Johnny and regularly attend his workshops. On the other hand scum bags like Cameron, Barry Kirkey, Sinn, Gunwitch etc. talk shit about Johnny. It's also amusing how the scum bags talk shit about everyone while the fundamentally good people talk shit about no one.
The reason I contacted Johnny in the first place was because I thought he believed that Cameron was a fundamentally good person. I wanted to bring Johnny's attention to the things that Cameron had been saying about him in blog posts, forums and podcasts. Johnny is now aware that Cameron is a scum bag and more and more fundamentally good people in this community are beginning to realize that as well. Anyone else notice how Hypnotica took Cameron off his recommended list at the bottom of his website? hmm... I'm sure Johnny and Hypnotica didn't appreciate Cameron and Barry talking shit about Violet on the show either. Violet is one of Hypnotica's best friends and is the love of Johnny's life. But you see this is what scum bags like Cameron do, they attack you and the people you care about behind your back when you aren't even there to stand up for yourself. I hope that more and more people begin to realize what a back stabbing hypocrite Cameron is and stay as far away from him as possible.
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The people that you say are good are actually scumbags.
Zan has many neglected illegitimate children.
Johnny Soporno ripped off hundreds of guys by not delivering a product that they paid for, uses money he's scammed from guys to fuck c-grade pornstars and worst of all - he's a RAPIST.
Hypnotica is a liar, sells drugs in his 2-bit strip club, is a steroid head and together with pedophile Steve Piccus, they use subliminal NLP messages in their products to get guys to buy more of their products. Violet is Johnny Soporno's pet whore and has every sexually transmitted disease know to man.
Cameron's just a harmless douche. Your friends are the scum of society.